Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Real vs. Game: Project Gotham Racing 3

From Game Brink:

These comparison photos having been making their rounds around the net today and they have to be seen to be believed. It just goes to show how much time and care the PGR3 team took to make the city of Tokyo as life like as possible.

Just so you know, the bottom is in game.

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GameBrink Story

Games and Porn hook up. What took so long? is reporting that the first annual Sex in Videogames conference is happening later this year. I'm surprised something like this didn't happen sooner. You'd think that two markets that essentially share demographics would try to work together at some point. Maybe it's the continuing stigma that videogames are for kids. But really, porn seems designed for kids too, just ones that are over 18.

Zelda reversal on the reversal

So now it seems that the revolution controller DOES work in some way with the new Game Cube Zelda game. Although if you check out Nintendo's denial before, it wasn't really a denial.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

the biggest desaster [sic] on earth - but not for me - for AMERICA

Uwe Boll is interviewed about BloodRayne. Hilarity ensues. read it here at

Peter Moore smells death

Before you read this, if you don't know the deal with the upcoming high-def video wars read this little blurb on Wikipedia about it.

As has been widely reported in the gaming news today, Peter Moore has stated that the Xbox 360, may, at some point in the future, have an external blu-ray drive.

Now, Moore goes on to state that Microsoft prefers HD-DVD, but that it's leaving it's options open, unlike Sony. Well guess what, Sony doesn't need to leave it's options open, because you just blinked Microsoft.

I see the high-def DVD wars as such: Most people don't yet have HD sets. Most people are happy with the DVDs they already have and don't think that they need a new format yet. They won't buy them as an expensive add on to another system, they certainly won't buy them while there is still a product war going on or before they get HD sets. The only way that people will buy high def DVD players is if they get them "free" with another product. Like a PS3. So while the HD-DVD enthusiasts like Microsoft wait for the war to start with a rush of people buying HD-DVD players, Sony will be silently winning the war by giving them away for free. Now, if the Xbox 360 had a built in HD-DVD drive, there might be a competition, but that was untenable with Microsoft's launch timetable.

Anyway that's just my 2¢.

New Banner

Props to Mike Kendrick for setting me up with a new banner.

Monday, January 09, 2006

News Roundup

Nintendo finally says that the Revolution controller will be compatible with the new Zelda

All I have to say to that is yawn. Swinging my arms around like a loon to control a sword swing always seemed like the least appealing (and, if done incorrectly, most frustrating) of the gimmicky ways that the new Revolution controller will be used. I just hope that it doesn't take a way from the essentially finished Zelda game that should have came out this Christmas.

This isn't to say that I don't think the Revolution controller will be a good idea. I have been won over in that regard. It is tiresomely ponderous to get most people to try most games, and I'm more than tired of the way that many of the games coming out require the time commitment of a full time job just to be fun (I'm looking at you online first person shooters). I just think that controlling your sword in Zelda will probably make the process of fighting more tedious without simplifying it in any appreciable way.

UPDATE: Nindendo says that the above is just speculation

And it relates only to how existing franchises and not games will work on the Revolution.

Casual Games are a rip-off

As someone who played his fair share of Snood (which is a rip off of Bust-A-Move), I can attest to this. I really can't see anyone getting sued over it though.

Microsoft says that it won't meet its 90-day Xbox 360 projections

And no one is surprised.

The next generation of DVD could be determined by Gamers

Only it should read. The next generation of DVD has already been chosen by gamers, Blu-Ray with the PS3. But that is only my humble opinion.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

It returns

After sitting more than half a year as a placeholder for my name in blogger land, I will finally be updating this site with some regularity. The first update will be on Monday, 9 January.

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  • I'm Daniel Kaszor
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