Yes, I know it's only the second week. I blame this on Movie Studio inexplicably being out of all copies of Matchstick Men on Saturday night.
Posted by Daniel Kaszor on Monday, March 06, 2006 at 4:33 p.m. |Permalink
blame the good people at movie studio all you want, dan. in the interim, I offer the following questions, comments, and concerns.
Touch of Evil - which version? I saw... the redone one. It was good. I should see it again.
True Romance - I know many will disagree with me, but yuck. Why not rent The Deal?
Time Code* meh. haven't seen it, but no real pressing desire to.
The Good Thief - Really liked it. haven't seen the original, but really liked this one.
The Freshman* - oh my
Before Sunrise - interesting, but hawke can't act Before Sunset - the far superior film... i don't know if watching them close together is the best way to see them though
Sex, Lies, and Videotape - never saw this. even on showcase
High Fidelity* overrated. and jack black's schtick is kinda grating after seeing it so often since. About a Boy is clearly the best hornby adaptation. Do a bolding and see that again. Or the british version of fever pitch. i'm curious about that one.
Copland I liked it. The movie is a little paint by numbers, but stallone is actually pretty good; i think he gets less credit than he deserves
Hulk* i saw the fight with the shitty cgi dogs and couldn't take anymore
Intolerable Cruelty My favourite recollection was going with a bunch of 18 year olds who all got ID'd. it was 14a. Also, the ending is hilarious, gellar can't act, and this could have used some nudity.
Last Night* Haven't seen, probably should
Exotica* As mentioned, I hated this when i saw it, but that's because i was 14 and pissed off that a movie about a stripper has, like, half a nipple
Manhunter No interest in michael mann, whether or not there's a sketchy tangerine dream score
Alien* Man, i keep thinking i should rewatch this, then i do, and i always kinda enjoy it but kinda get bored
Matchstick Men Not great overall, but Alison Lohman is fantastic; best acting i've seen in yonks
Kingdom of Heaven: Director's Cut (this isn't actually out yet, but I want to see if there really is as big of a difference as I expect there to be) The only way that would make a difference is if they flip the characters and make it about saladin (and not orlando). Like eastwood is doing with his new WWII movie. that stars p-walk
Seven Samurai* Too long. Honestly. The Magnificent Seven* Also too long, except for the ending, which is too short. Though bronson is good in it. Once Upon A Time in the West* Fuck, longest of all. I've fallen asleep thrice watching this. And i've made it through some waaay worse (but shorter) bronson, usually on TBS.
The Outlaw Joesy Wales* I'm curious about this one. though i find clint's western deconstructions kinda samey.
Ran Great looking, that's all i remember. i should see it again.
Stray Dog* Haven't seen. Straw dogs was good tho.
XXX* Dear god. Just promise to rent the special edition featuring "the death of xander cage"
Nine Queens Awesome. A great con film, and no stench of mamet. I refuse to see the remake though.
Amores Perros Meh. The one story is really good, one is ok, and one sucks.
Wonder Boys No real interest in this, honestly.
25th Hour Nor this, really, though I've heard good things.
The Tailor of Panama* It was ok, but rush bugs me; i'd like to see the alec guiness our man in havana tho.
Princess Mononoke* I dunno. Totoro was his peak. Mostly due to lack of shitty voice cast.
South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut* So many jokes i didn't catch the first time. i found completely different things funny.
Star Wars: A New Hope* Oh. Great. If there's anything the internet needs, it's more commentary on this.
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back* See above. Or, rather, don't see either, and just see Indiana Jones. Then have sex. With Levin.
The Spanish Prisoner Fuck mamet in the eye. his con films all cheat, dammit. Martin is good tho.
Speed* Hmmm. I could see that again.
Orange County Random choice. But, uh, ok.
Unbreakable* Aside from the retarded secret weakness, which was also the retarded secret weakness in his other movie that remains so retarded i cannot even type its name, this was ok. The actual last second twist i did kinda like. kinda.
Pumping Iron* Oh my redux.
Ronin* Hey, yeah, that was pretty good. Hmm. should have another look m'self.
Dead or Alive* Really, i couldn't watch this again. That first viewing can never be duplicated.
In the Mouth of Maddness Awesome. Best Lovecrafty film evs.
The Fog Man, i hope you mean the original. Which is still kinda crap, really.
Assault on Precinct 13 (1976) Meh. it's ok. Assault on Precinct 13 (2005) Meh. didn't interest me. must be better than The Nest, the french remake by the Hostage director starring dude from Taxi which your buddies at AICN were jizzing on tho.
Big Trouble in Little China I'm shocked and appalled you haven't seen this. Shocked and appalled. And dismayed.
Grizzly Man Bizarre. But quite excellent, i thought. i hear discovery channel edited in like an hour of footage when they showed it.
Aguirre: The Wrath of God* Yeah, I should see this one too. I tried once, but it was pretty hardcore at 12. What was i thinking? (I think i just like the crazy cover photo)
blame the good people at movie studio all you want, dan. in the interim, I offer the following questions, comments, and concerns.
Touch of Evil
- which version? I saw... the redone one. It was good. I should see it again.
True Romance
- I know many will disagree with me, but yuck. Why not rent The Deal?
Time Code*
meh. haven't seen it, but no real pressing desire to.
The Good Thief
- Really liked it. haven't seen the original, but really liked this one.
The Freshman*
- oh my
Before Sunrise
- interesting, but hawke can't act
Before Sunset
- the far superior film... i don't know if watching them close together is the best way to see them though
Sex, Lies, and Videotape
- never saw this. even on showcase
High Fidelity*
overrated. and jack black's schtick is kinda grating after seeing it so often since. About a Boy is clearly the best hornby adaptation. Do a bolding and see that again.
Or the british version of fever pitch. i'm curious about that one.
I liked it. The movie is a little paint by numbers, but stallone is actually pretty good; i think he gets less credit than he deserves
i saw the fight with the shitty cgi dogs and couldn't take anymore
Intolerable Cruelty
My favourite recollection was going with a bunch of 18 year olds who all got ID'd. it was 14a. Also, the ending is hilarious, gellar can't act, and this could have used some nudity.
Last Night*
Haven't seen, probably should
As mentioned, I hated this when i saw it, but that's because i was 14 and pissed off that a movie about a stripper has, like, half a nipple
No interest in michael mann, whether or not there's a sketchy tangerine dream score
Man, i keep thinking i should rewatch this, then i do, and i always kinda enjoy it but kinda get bored
Matchstick Men
Not great overall, but Alison Lohman is fantastic; best acting i've seen in yonks
Kingdom of Heaven: Director's Cut (this isn't actually out yet, but I want to see if there really is as big of a difference as I expect there to be)
The only way that would make a difference is if they flip the characters and make it about saladin (and not orlando). Like eastwood is doing with his new WWII movie. that stars p-walk
Seven Samurai*
Too long. Honestly.
The Magnificent Seven*
Also too long, except for the ending, which is too short. Though bronson is good in it.
Once Upon A Time in the West*
Fuck, longest of all. I've fallen asleep thrice watching this. And i've made it through some waaay worse (but shorter) bronson, usually on TBS.
The Outlaw Joesy Wales*
I'm curious about this one. though i find clint's western deconstructions kinda samey.
Great looking, that's all i remember. i should see it again.
Stray Dog*
Haven't seen. Straw dogs was good tho.
Dear god. Just promise to rent the special edition featuring "the death of xander cage"
Nine Queens
Awesome. A great con film, and no stench of mamet. I refuse to see the remake though.
Amores Perros
Meh. The one story is really good, one is ok, and one sucks.
Wonder Boys
No real interest in this, honestly.
25th Hour
Nor this, really, though I've heard good things.
The Tailor of Panama*
It was ok, but rush bugs me; i'd like to see the alec guiness our man in havana tho.
Princess Mononoke*
I dunno. Totoro was his peak. Mostly due to lack of shitty voice cast.
South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut*
So many jokes i didn't catch the first time. i found completely different things funny.
Star Wars: A New Hope*
Oh. Great. If there's anything the internet needs, it's more commentary on this.
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back*
See above. Or, rather, don't see either, and just see Indiana Jones.
Then have sex.
With Levin.
The Spanish Prisoner
Fuck mamet in the eye. his con films all cheat, dammit. Martin is good tho.
Hmmm. I could see that again.
Orange County
Random choice. But, uh, ok.
Aside from the retarded secret weakness, which was also the retarded secret weakness in his other movie that remains so retarded i cannot even type its name, this was ok. The actual last second twist i did kinda like. kinda.
Pumping Iron*
Oh my redux.
Hey, yeah, that was pretty good. Hmm. should have another look m'self.
Dead or Alive*
Really, i couldn't watch this again. That first viewing can never be duplicated.
In the Mouth of Maddness
Awesome. Best Lovecrafty film evs.
The Fog
Man, i hope you mean the original. Which is still kinda crap, really.
Assault on Precinct 13 (1976)
Meh. it's ok.
Assault on Precinct 13 (2005)
Meh. didn't interest me. must be better than The Nest, the french remake by the Hostage director starring dude from Taxi which your buddies at AICN were jizzing on tho.
Big Trouble in Little China
I'm shocked and appalled you haven't seen this. Shocked and appalled. And dismayed.
Grizzly Man
Bizarre. But quite excellent, i thought. i hear discovery channel edited in like an hour of footage when they showed it.
Aguirre: The Wrath of God*
Yeah, I should see this one too. I tried once, but it was pretty hardcore at 12. What was i thinking? (I think i just like the crazy cover photo)
Posted by
Anonymous |
March 09, 2006 12:33 a.m.